HL7+ SQL Schema Engine

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HL7+ SQL Schema Engine


The HL7+ Management Console (Installations View)

The HL7+ Management Console (Installations View)

The HL7+ Client Console (Main Window)

The HL7+ Client Console (Main Window)


Welcome to the HL7+ SQL Schema Engine for MS SQL Server and MySQL, the NEXT generation of our award winning HL7 database products.


See the Release History for current and past release notes and information. Import / Export HL7 messages directly to or from a MicroSoft SQL Server or MySQL database with this simple to configure and use system. Create 1 or more easy to follow Schemas of data tables, turn it on and the rest is up to you. Create an instant data warehouse of HL7 message data that makes it extremely easy for you to move data from our schema into your own. You work the database and leave the HL7 to us!


*Screenshots are from the UltraPort SQL Schema Engine version 5.2.3



Click to Enlarge

The UltraPort MS SQL Schema Engine Main Window





See GETTING STARTED for your next step!