Frequently Asked Questions

Q: The UltraPort Router will not connect to the Listener and HL7 message files are building up in the data folder?

A: The most common problem when this occurs is that that HL7 Listener you are trying to connect to is NOT running. Verify that the settings in your router profile are correct. Verify that the HL7 Listener is running and that you can ping the IP address of the target computer. If you are able to verify these things then you might try and increase your connection timeout in your Global Settings. Another handy way to troubleshoot is to stop the windows service and run your profiles locally. This will allow you to get real time feedback in the immediate window. IMPORTANT PROCESSING NOTE: Your router profiles process HL7 messages in 3 separate phases.

Phase 1: Check the UPR_QUEUE (a sub-folder of the data folder you configured in your router profile )folder for files to send. If files are found there it will try and send them immediately. IF it fails to connect to the HL7 Listener it will then immediately stop and wait for 30 seconds before trying again. It will NOT proceed to phases 2 and 3.

Phase 2: If there are no files in the UPR_QUEUE folder to be sent (or all have been sent successfully) the profile will then check for the existence of HL7 data files in your data folder. If files are found there, then they are pre-processed by extracting all HL7 messages from those files (in order by the file's Last Modified date/time) and writing them into the UPR_QUEUE folder to be sent. No transmission of any kind occurs in Phase 2.

Phase 3: If Phase 2 did create HL7 messages in the UPR_QUEUE folder then Phase 1 is repeated.


Q: My Application just shuts down or won't start?

A: Remember that the UltraPort Router uses TCP/IP socket communication. Verify that UAC is not the problem. Although unlikely this may also trigger DEP or be blocked by firewalls and network security programs (like Norton's or Symantec's). The most common experience is with users on Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or greater who have DEP blocking all applications by default.


Q: My Application or Service takes a LONG time to start or else times out attempting to start, what could be causing this?

A: All of our UltraPort products are code signed using our digital signature and also use the Microsoft .Net framework. It might be that your server is configured to validate digital signatures online. NOTE: Even if you did not configure your server to do this it might have come pre-configured from the manufacturer to do this. This can cause a significant delay in the startup time of an application. To correct this problem see the section on APPLICATION CONFIG FILES.


Q: Can I have 2 router profiles listening for 'Proxy' messages on the same Port?

A: No. Never. Only one listener application (of any kind) can bind to a particular port at any given time. Here's a real world example. A lot of people don't realize this but Microsoft SQL Server (and Oracle for that matter) is just a Listener application. By default SQL Server "Listens" on port 1433 (unless you specifically change it). If you have SQL Server running on your computer AND try to configure a listener profile (or the Global Monitor Port) to listen on port 1433 one of two things will happen. If SQL Server is running, then your listener will fail to start because it can't bind to port 1433 OR if SQL is not running, the listener will start successfully BUT if you then try to start SQL Server it will fail to start.


Q: Can I have multiple router profiles deliver HL7 messages to the same Data Folder?

A: Yes. Absolutely. There are even scenarios where you need to do this specifically because of limitations of the client sending HL7 to you. Some clients may require that different feeds go to different ports whereas you may wish to have ALL HL7 data consolidated into one location.


Q: Can I have multiple proxy applications forward HL7 messages to the same router profile on the same port at the same time?

A: Yes. Absolutely. It's rated at up to 100 simultaneous connections!


Q: Can I have 1  profile pick up HL7 messages from multiple Data Folders?

A: No. Each profile can only monitor a single data folder. However, if you need to have 1 outbound message delivered to multiple destination folders then we do have a solution for you. The EasyHL7 FileSystem Postmaster was designed for just this type of scenario. Click here for more information. Another alternative would be to create a Proxy Toolkit application in Microsoft Visual Studio which would deliver HL7 messages to multiple router profiles.


Q: I have a computer running the UltraPort Router. I've purchased a single connection license. Can I upgrade that license to 3 connections? 10? 50? 100? Unlimited?

A: Yes. Absolutely. In version 1 there are 4 licenses available. 1 Connection, 3 Connections, 25 Connections (Professional) and Unlimited connections (Enterprise). Visit our website or contact HermeTech customer service US#254-549-0825 or email for more information and pricing. You're only limited by your computer's physical resources (memory, processor, storage).





HL7+ - Putting HL7 to work for you!
© 2018 HermeTech International
(a Division of TransWorld Scribes)