Application Config Files

Beginning in August 2013 all of our MS Service based applications (like this one) began installing the <application>.config files described below. You should only need to attempt the step described below if you installed your software prior to September 2013.


Our software is all digitally signed and it could be possible that you’re experience a slow startup because your system is trying to validate the digital signature. If this is the issue then you may be able to mitigate it by creating an application “config” file. Do the following:


Stop the UltraPort Router.

Open MS Windows Notepad (or any text editor) and paste the following into it.



       <generatePublisherEvidence enabled="false"/>




Save the file into the installation folder for the UltraPort Router with the filename: UltraHL7_RouterService.exe.config (and for services 2 and 3 if needed). You can also duplicate this for the Router configuration program by also saving it as: UltraHL7_RouterConfig.exe.config. IMPORTANT NOTE: If using Notepad when saving be sure and select “All Files” in the “Save As Type” dropdown box, otherwise Notepad will save it as a .TXT file and your filename will end up being UltraHL7_RouterService.exe.config.txt (and that won’t work).

Try Starting the service again.




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(a Division of TransWorld Scribes)