HL7+ Release History


Version 1.0.1 released 18 June 2018. Initial Release.

Version 1.0.1 of the HL7+ Postmaster is cloned from Version 3.0.0 of the UltraPort HL7 Postmaster and is functionally identical with the exception of licensing.



UltraPort HL7 Postmaster Release History



Version 3.0.0 released 1 May 2016.

Version 3.0.0 is a maintenance and enhancement release. The Postmaster is now available in 64-Bit Windows native code.


Version 2.6.1 released 6 February 2016.

Version 2.6 is a maintenance and enhancement release to update the OEM version of the UltraPort HL7 Listener to version 4.3.


Version 2.6 released 16 January 2016.

Version 2.6 is a maintenance and license enhancement release to enable short-term licenses (see the short term licenses home page). See Postmaster Licenses for more information.


Patch Release Version 2.5.3 released 15 October 2015.

This is a bug-fix release to correct an error in V2.5 wherein an error occurred if you spread your enabled Postmasters across multiple windows services. This release also incorporates minor enhancements requested by customers relating to the HL7 Documents functionality. None were critical and all related to the formatting and rendering of embedded text reports in HL7 Document Templates. See HL7 Document Destinations.


Version 2.5 released 21 September 2015.

This release incorporates phase 2 of HermeTech Excelsior Project! It incorporates 2 new license types ("Enterprise" and "Enterprise Developer") and now includes the ability to turn your HL7 Postmaster into a Document publishing system. See Postmaster Licenses and HL7 Document Destinations. **This release included a bug which would not allow you to spread your Postmasters across the 4 Windows Services. To work-around assign all to Service Instance #1.


Version 2.0 released August 2014.

This release is a license maintenance release enabling the new VM (Virtual Machine) licenses. To run the VM license you must use version 2.0 or greater.


Version 1.6 released August 2013.

This release contains enhancements to the Message Transformation capabilities. We've added the Replace() transformation macro (see Macros Reference). We've also modified our transformation engine to allow you control the order in which your transformation instructions are executed (See Changing Execution Order).


Version 1.5 released April 24 2013.

Version 1.5 contained a non-critical bug fix for the HL7TableLookup3 and HL7TableLookup4 Transformation Macros. It also introduces several new Transformation Macros (see the Macros Reference). Another major enhancement to prior versions is that the OEM license for the UltraPort Listener and UltraPort Router software has been expanded to 2 Ports! This means that the included UltraPort HL7 Listener is now a 2 Port Listener and the UltraPort HL7 Router is now a 2 Destination Router! See Distributor Features.



Version 1.0 released July 25 2012


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