Getting Around

*All screenshots are from the UltraPort HL7 Postmaster

Navigating the HL7 Postmaster in the Main Window


The Main Window - Click to zoom

The Main Window - Click to zoom




hmtoggle_plus1Toolbar Reference


Click to expandFile Menu Reference


IMAGELIST_SERVICEWindows Service Status / Local ExecutionIMAGELIST_SERVICE


In the Windows Service Status / Local Execution tab of the main window is where you can:


Install or Remove the UltraPort HL7 Postmaster MS Windows Services.

Start and Stop the MS Windows Services.

Run the selected HL7 Postmaster locally in a Run-time window. See Running Locally.

Open the MS Windows Services Snap-In.

Refresh the Service Status Information.


Click to zoom

Main Window - Service Status Tab


If you carefully examine the screen-shot above, you will notice that it is telling you several things.


1.The HL7 Postmaster Services ARE installed in the MS Windows Services list.

2.We are using only Service Instance 1 and Service Instance 4. Service Instances 2 and 3 are not referenced by any Postmasters and so are not installed in the MS Windows Services list.

3.The HL7 Postmaster Services are set to start automatically when the computer powers up (Start Mode: Auto).

4.The HL7 Postmaster Services are NOT currently running.


If we were to edit one of our HL7 Postmasters, set it to use Service Instance 2, and then returned to the main window, the screen would look like the screen-shot below.


Click to zoom

Main Window - Service Status Tab


NOTE: Now the Service Status Information area of the window is showing errors in our Windows Services and, more importantly, also showing instructions on what needs to be done to correct the errors.



If you are running a computer with a Professional License, check the Windows Service Status tab whenever you make changes to any of your HL7 Postmasters.






HL7+ - Putting HL7 to work for you!
© 2018 HermeTech International
(a Division of TransWorld Scribes)