Custom Exporting Methods

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Custom Exporting Methods

*Screenshots are from the UltraPort SQL Schema Engine version 5.2.3


Outbound Processors That Don't Export HL7 Messages

There can be business cases where you don't want your outbound processor to actually "export" the HL7 messages you create in your schema tables and instead to just "assemble" the formatted HL7 message and leave it in the database. For example, if you are using the UltraPort HL7 Postmaster to create multiple selective extracts or if you wish to create your own external process to "export" the HL7 messages after the outbound processor assembles them.

Outbound Processor with the 'No Export' option selected.

Outbound Processor with the 'No Export' option selected.

If this option is selected the outbound processor will assemble the formatted HL7 message and place it in the <prefix>_HL7Data table in the HL7Message column. In addition, when the outbound processor has completed this action the Processed column in the <prefix>_HL7Data table will be set to 1.