HL7+ Client Windows Service

The HL7+ Client software is made up of 2 equally important programs (as well as the many features and their associated programs). They are the Client Console desktop program (HL7PlusClient.exe) and the HL7+ Client MS Windows Service program (HL7PlusClientService.exe).


Once you have installed and activated your HL7+ Client Console it will automatically install the HL7+ Client Windows Service in your MS Windows Services list to start automatically, see below:


The MS Windows Services

The MS Windows Services


In both the main window and the monitor window of the desktop program you can see the status of the HL7+ Client Service at the bottom, see below:


Main Window (Active Installation)

Main Window (Active Installation)


The HL7+ Client Windows Service is VITALLY important and must be installed and running properly for any of the HL7+ Features to work. To do this the windows service needs to have the same rights and privileges as the desktop application including:


Internet Access so that it can communicate with the HL7+ Web Services

Full file access rights (read, write, create, delete, etc) to the Installation Folder for the HL7+ Client software and any sub-folders.


Sometimes it might be necessary, or just easier, to have the HL7+ Client Windows Service run as a domain user rather than as the default Local System account to resolve issues if they arise.


Windows Services ConfigurationConfiguring The Windows Service to Run as a User



HL7+ - Putting HL7 to work for you!
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(a Division of TransWorld Scribes)