The UltraPort Schema Browser

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The UltraPort Schema Browser

*Screenshots are from the UltraPort SQL Schema Engine version 5.2.3


The UltraPort Schema Engine installs with the FREE UltraPort Schema Browser utility. With this easy to use program you can easily make simple queries into your schema tables. To start the UltraPort Schema Browser select 'Open A Schema Browser' from the 'Tools' menu in the main window. This will launch the schema browser utility.


UltraPort Schema Browser

UltraPort Schema Browser


In the schema browser click the 'Browse' button next to the schema you wish to browse to open up the query builder.


Design your own query

Design your own query


Click to show / hide detailsAfter building your query you click the 'Execute' button


Click to show / hide detailsOR you click the Show SQL button to see the script