Integrating the UltraPort Listener

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Integrating the UltraPort Listener

*Screenshots are from the UltraPort SQL Schema Engine version 5.2.3


A frequently asked question we receive is: Can the Schema Engine receive HL7 messages over TCP/IP or can it ONLY import HL7 data files off of the file system?


The answer is: Yes it can receive HL7 messages over TCP/IP when integrated with the HermeTech UltraPort HL7 TCP/IP Listener. The Schema Engine program was created as an "UltraPort Proxy Application" which means that you can enable your inbound processors to receive HL7 messages forwarded to it by the UltraPort Listener. This is really very simple to implement.


Step 1 of 3: In your inbound processor profile check the box which says "Receive HL7 from an UltraPort Listener".


Step 2 of 3: Enter the TCP/IP Port number you wish the UltraPort Listener to send you HL7 messages on (see below) and click 'Save Changes'.


Inbound Processor Proxy Settings

Inbound Processor Profile with UltraPort enabled


Step 3 of 3: In your UltraPort Listener profile (in the Optional Profile Settings) check the box which says "Forward HL7 messages to an UltraPort 'Proxy' Application" and fill out the settings as shown below. NOTE that in the example screenshots TCP/IP Port #31001 is selected, this is purely arbitrary and you can use any valid TCP/IP port number you wish as long as it is NOT being used by another application or profile. Click the image below to open the online help for the UltraPort Listener.


UltraPort HL7 Listener Profile

Optional Profile Settings (UltraPort HL7 Listener)