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The HL7+ Client Console



64-Bit (x64)

64-Bit (x64)

Click HERE to download the installation package for the MS Windows 64-Bit operating systems.


If you need an installation package for 32-Bit MS Windows machines contact customer service and we will email you a link.




The HL7+ Management Console


64-Bit (x64)

64-Bit (x64)

Click HERE to download the installation package for the MS Windows 64-Bit operating systems.


If you need an installation package for 32-Bit MS Windows machines contact customer service and we will email you a link.



Click HERE to download a Thumb Drive package in a zip file.


What's the Thumb Drive package? This is a file called which contains the HL7+ Manager Console software. Just unzip this folder anywhere (like onto a thumb-drive) and you can carry the software with you anywhere and run it on any MS Windows machine (32 or 64-bit) which meets our basic system requirements. No need to run an installer!