
Frequently Asked Questions



It works fine in Demo mode or Running Locally but when I run the service it starts but nothing happens?


Read through the section in Running as a Service on our most Common Support Question. If you don't see your issue in there verify that there are no UAC issues. If all else fails contact customer service.




One limitation of the EasyHL7 File System Postmaster was the ability to have only ONE "Postmaster" is this still true?


NO! With UltraPort HL7 Postmaster software you can design as many virtual "Postmasters" as you like! For instance you create "Postmaster #1" to handle only INBOUND HL7 data and "Postmaster #2" to handle only OUTBOUND HL7 data. You can even have 1 Postmaster "feed" another Postmaster (beware of infinite loops, don't create a Postmaster Centipede).




Can I upgrade my Developer License to a Professional License? What's the cost?


You can upgrade your Developer license to a Professional license at any time. The cost for this is always calculated like this: (Retail Price of Professional License) - (Retail Price of Developer License) = (Price to Upgrade). Just contact customer service when you're ready and we'll help you through it




I own a Distributor License, can I upgrade my OEM Listener and or Router to enable more ports or connections?


No. The OEM versions of the UltraPort Listener and Router which are activated by your Distributor license cannot be upgraded. If you need additional ports or connections you will have to purchase a license for the standard versions of these products.




I am using the UltraPort MS SQL Schema Engine and have Destinations and/or Data Sources created. They run fine in 'Local Mode' but when I run the service they fail, What could be wrong?


The most common cause for this is because in your Postmaster SQL Data Source you have indicated that you wish to use the MS Windows Logon (AKA the 'Trusted' connection) and your MS Windows Postmaster Service is running as a different user which does NOT have this trusted connection. Read through the section in Running as a Service on our most Common Support Question for more information.  If all else fails contact customer service.




What about HL7 Version 3?


Click to zoom. HL7 Worldwide Usage by Version

The UltraPort HL7 Postmaster supports all HL7 Versions prior to Version 3.0. HL7 Version 3 started being released in 2005, to date there are only a very very few HL7 transaction sets that are actually released and approved for use. The graph to the left (click to expand) shows estimated worldwide usage of HL7 broken out by HL7 Version as of 2013. Note the "actual" usage of HL7 version 3 and be aware that of that tiny percentage approximately 70% is made up of only the UK where it was mandated by an uneducated parliament in what can only be described as their disastrous attempt to create a national patient registry in the middle part of the 2000s. A significant percentage of the remaining 30% is in the Netherlands. The lesson to be learned is that HL7 Version 3 is coming (someday) but HL7 Version 2.xx will be here for years if not decades to come. To join our open Beta program for HL7 version 3 contact customer service.


HL7+ - Putting HL7 to work for you!
© 2018 HermeTech International
(a Division of TransWorld Scribes)